Sunday 26 February 2012

In today's session we were working with the life model to produce illustration based on Aesops fable of the lion and the mouse. It was a little tricky to get into this at first as i was attempting to alter the figure of the model to that of a lion live in this session. I has never occurred to me before that you could draw reference from the human figure to build other forms, but from the experience of this session I did find it very helpful to draw a lion based of the structure of a human rather than draw a lion from memory.

Working on the iPad started a little slow and i have a few unsuccessful images but there appears to be a development in my drawing that gets better later on. I had approached the drawing in a number of ways but the most successful pieces are created when i draw out a underlying structure first as apposed to going straight in and building forms from colour.

I am still feeling a little constrained by the size of the iPads and at times they can be temperamental with low sensitivity.

Sunday 5 February 2012


Decided to experiment with an alternative to photoshop for digital painting. I used a programme called Artrage and my impressions of it so far are pretty good. Its great at creating natural looking brush textures and their is a good choice of tools and painting surfaces. Did this quick study this evening. Painted using the trackpad on my laptop, i find painting this way really brings out some interesting shapes and accidents.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Life Drawing 02/02/12

I really enjoyed today's life drawing class even though i thought i was going to die from the heat in the room. I feel i have made a step forward in my drawing, today something just clicked. Usually I go for a realistic approach, but that was because i thought that the more realistic a piece is the better it is. In today's session i decided to free myself up and draw how i would outside of the classes. I feel this has produced some interesting work that i want to pursue and develop.