Sunday 15 April 2012

Christmas steps

This is another digital painting i did of the Christmas steps in Bristol. I decided to exaggerate the crookedness of the buildings to emphasise the the 'cramped buildings in the relatively small space.

I hit a barrier with this painting where at one point i thought i was creating utter rubbish, but i decided to carry on and i am now very pleased that i did. The early stages of a painting can be quite frustrating as it is so far from what you expect to see in front of you, but have patience and confidence in your own skills and it will improve. This is a problem that i had had for a while as i will tend to rush paintings towards the end. I still have a ways to go in developing the techniques i am using and applying them to a final image but with every painting i complete, and make sure to take my time over, it gives me the confidence to move on and develop.

I am beginning to see an interesting quality coming through these paintings that really excites me about the work i am doing. This art is completely artificial through the medium it is being created with but i seem to be capturing a sense of realism in my painting far more effectively than i have done in the past. I again have to make the point that i have made in previous posts that this development has come about through a better understanding of how to render the lighting in scenes.

In comparison to ILLUS 240 i know that i have not done as many drawings but the artwork in this module has been changed to a slower pace. I have more time to study stationary buildings, where as when drawing people, sketching was quick paced to capture movement and direction.

[Initial layout sketch on sketchbook pp. 25 - 26]

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