Monday 23 April 2012

Rubbish atmosphere

Sat in the studio today i decided to do a digital painting of what i could see from the window. Being indoors and provided with a desk meant that i could paint comfortably with my laptop and tablet. As much as i try to improve this piece it just seems to remain a little boring. The sky was overcast and the lighting not very dynamic. Everything in the composition appears to have the same tonal value so nothing really stands out. I tried making the lamp in the bottom left corner a focal point by painting in more detail to contrast with the looseness of the buildings behind but the image feels flat. It was nice to paint the hills in the background because they contrasted with the sky, on the other hand the buildings just seem to blur together.n Its not a very interesting scene but it offered a good sense of depth to try and capture. The atmosphere was hazy and glum, the opposite to the studies i did of the Christmas steps in Bristol.

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