Tuesday 24 April 2012

ILLUS 241 Final

So this is my Final piece of artwork that i will be submitting for ILLUS 241. I am very pleased with how this has turned out and i feel i have been successful in applying everything i have learnt over the past weeks into a single image. The image below is of the first stage of completion of the piece.

 It was raining rather heavily when i was at this location but because of the bright sky above, the rain didn't really stand out. I thought would take advantage of my 'Artistic license' and try to communicate better how i saw the rain in person but also what it felt like.

I decided to add the rain at the end stage and found this really established the atmosphere of the piece. I have exaggerated the rain to a point but it needed to come out against the light clouds. I evaluated how Jeff Rowland rendered rain in his traditional painting and looked for a way in which i could create a similar effect using digital tools. In the end i drew in the rain using a flat edged brush in Photoshop which pretty much simulates the strokes of a physical brush. Building the rain up in the background shows how far away the furthest building and the hills behind it are.

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