Saturday 14 April 2012

Cafe Rouge

I thought i would brave doing another painting on the iPhone so this time i decided to do one indoors to try and avoid the difficulties of lighting that i experienced in the previous painting. I went into Cabot circus, sat down and looked for something to paint. I picked out the cafe 'Cafe Rouge'. Its red shop front and umbrellas stood out to me.

There was quite a lot to get into the small frame. it would have been very difficult to draw in each individual table and chair outside the cafe but from my perspective and the distance i was from the cafe they appeared as a single mass anyway so the quick, squiggly marks are sufficient to describe what they are. The same for the person in the bottom left corner. They are made up by blocks of colour but the contrast to the rest of the environment makes you see a figure.

This painting was much more successful than what i did a couple days earlier. Taking advantage of the zoom function in the Brushes app but then you don't get a clear picture of the whole frame. I do feel constrained to working on the small screen so moving to the size of an iPad is very tempting. If I compare my results between what i have done recently on my iPhone and what i did on the iPads in life drawing, i can see that the larger screen is much more efficient. I can achieve a more finished piece in the same amount of time.

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